Job Seeker FAQs

Thank you for using vogshort.com. Below are the most common questions we receive from job seekers. Click on the question for more information. Can’t find what you need here? We’re happy to help. Please contact us for assistance.
We represent long-standing clients who are looking for highly specialized talent. In addition, we offer job seekers access to job postings from our trusted affiliate network of recruiting partners. We are not a staffing agency.
There are never any fees to the job seeker, from us or our affiliates. If you are told otherwise, please contact us.
Select terms that describe your skills and the industry you work in. Use Boolean operators such as AND, OR, (), and “” to narrow your search results.
Enter any combination of city, state, and/or zip code to further refine your search. After running an initial search, you can check the “Full Remote” box on the results form to show remote positions.
We’re happy you’ve found a position that matches your skills and qualifications. Simply click the Apply button, complete the short form and upload a current resume (MS Word or PDF format), then click Submit. You will be contacted directly by the recruiting partner who owns the posting. Please note that our partners will only contact applicants whose qualifications closely match the posting specifications.
When you apply for a job on our site, your resume and application are sent directly to the recruiting partner who owns that position. If your background is a close match, you will be contacted directly by our affiliate.
Our system does not support the use of cover letters or multiple resume versions.
Your information is in the hands of the recruiting partner who owns the job posting. If you are a close match, you should be contacted shortly to continue the process.
Your resume and profile are confidential and only accessible to Vogrinc & Short, Inc. and our trusted affiliates. Vogrinc & Short, Inc. and our affiliates will not present your credentials, or contact references or employers without your expressed interest and permission. We respect your privacy and comply with CCPA.
Our postings are updated continuously. If we don’t have match for you today, please register with us and set up a job alert that will notify you the instant we have something that is right for you.
Simply run a job search, click on “Create Alert” on the results page, and enter the email address to send the alerts to. You may want to run a search a few times to refine results before creating an alert.
Job alert emails last for 90 days. If you wish to stop them sooner, you can unsubscribe from alerts at any time by clicking the unsubscribe link that is included at the bottom of every alert email. This action is required for each alert you set up.
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